Your Life Your Way has been providing high quality care and support since October 2010. Our dedicated staff deliver high standards of care in people’s own homes, in hospital settings and across supported living services.
Our services are available to people with a variety of needs including Learning Disabilities, Complex Health Needs, Mental and Physical health issues and Challenging Behaviour. Our many years of experience have provided us with the knowledge and expertise to ensure people live in their place of choice with the right level of support that encourages independence and reduces hospital admissions.
We are proud to have won two care awards both regional and nationally which celebrate excellence and innovation across the care sector. We are registered and regulated by the Care Quality Commission and are members of many local and regional networks responsible for improving the lives of people receiving care.
We are managed by a Senior Management Team who have many years of experience working in Health and Social Care and managing regulated services as well as their own personal experiences of receiving and providing care and support. All our care staff are chosen by the person receiving the support and are recruited and trained by us to ensure they have the right values and skills supported by our intensive induction programme, ongoing training plus performance and development reviews.

Supported by our team of Nurses, staff are comprehensively trained in clinical tasks to care and support individuals with complex long term health needs in their own home and out in the community.
Our focus is to ensure individuals are cared for with the utmost respect, dignity and professionalism. We work closely with each person and their family to develop Individual care plans which ensure outcomes, clinical decisions and aspirations are met. This is complemented by health professionals from the NHS to promote wellbeing, maintain health, reduce hospital admissions and promote as much independence as possible.
Funding for this service is provided by the NHS and is specifically designed to meet the persons health and wellbeing so they can receive the care they need. This funding can be received in a variety of ways via commissioned services direct from the NHS, by Notional and Third Party Personal Health Budgets.

We provide care and support for people in their own homes, in supported living accommodation, in educational settings and in the community.
We have extensive experience in working with individuals who have Learning Difficulties, Autism, Physical Disabilities and Mental Health to design their own personalised package of support to live a full independent life. Our care team are chosen by each person receiving care and remain with that person to offer familiarity and consistency, developing a meaningful lasting relationship.
Funding for this service can be in a variety of ways via Individual Budgets, Personal Budgets, Direct Payments and Self-Funders

Working alongside our charitable Community Interest Company we are able to support people to choose where they want to live by sourcing suitable accommodation with individuals who want to either live alone or live with others receiving care and support in long term rented housing. This model has been extremely popular and allowed individuals to have much more choice and control deciding where they live and how their support is provided.
The Housing Support Service is not dependent on the provision of care services so if the support provider of care changes this doesn’t affect the person’s tenancy.
Our Commitment to staying Covid-19 secure
The coronavirus pandemic has changed many aspects of our normal way of life & we have had to adapt to ensure the care provision we offer remains safe, compliant, and up to date with legislation. Key to our response has been our emphasis on following government guidance which we recognised early in the pandemic was vital to our service offering to remain in step with the requirements it outlined.
Covid contingency plans have been developed to ensure those most vulnerable, or at risk, are identified & strategies put in place to ensure their safety. Considerations were factored in for staffing contingencies should our staff teams become depleted due to absence related to Covid. Risk assessments have also formed a key part of our response, as too has our internal and external communication strategy. While we recognise it is not possible to eliminate the risk posed by COVID 19, clear communication, coupled with robust risk assessments, have helped us mitigate these risks.
We have always been uncompromising about safety but particularly in relation to PPE, ensuring we have adequate supplies and the right provision dependant on the support provided. Guidance has been provided for the correct donning and doffing of PPE as well as the safe disposal of used PPE. Learnings have been required around AGP considerations, with FIT testing becoming standard for the newly required FFP3 masks and full gowns.
Our in-house nurse team have devised risk assessments for those clients with clinical interventions to ensure the support being provided to them is safe and in line with the new requirements resulting from COVID 19.
Enhanced levels of hygiene practices have been rolled out across the organisation to ensure stringent practices are being adopted by all in the organisation. As an organisation we have always been uncompromising in our approach to infection control and this approach will continue to remain unwavering.
Listen to what some of staff are saying
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If you would rather request a call back from one of the team, please fill out the form below and we will aim to call you back within 24 hou

Our care and support is person centred with the user at the heart of the service.